What vegetables can rabbits eat?

Fresh food for rabbits is definitely a big concern for those who keep the animals, for whatever reason as they help in improving their pet’s health. People have different opinions on what would be the best vegetables that can be fed to the rabbits. However, there are vegetables that are suitable for the better health of the animals while others may seem fine but are actually harmful to their health. It’s, therefore, vital that, an owner of the animal, you not only feed him/ her vegetables that won’t cause any issues with their health but provide the best home for your rabbits. Here, we highlight the most important aspects concerning the vegetables that can be fed to rabbits.

Rabbits eating

The factors to consider about the vegetable you need for the rabbit

There are a number of factors about the veggies that you should take into account before deciding on which ones to get for your rabbit. These include Oxalate Levels, Calcium Content, Vitamin A, Sugar and Starch.

1. High and Low Oxalate Levels

Some plants produce oxalic acid naturally as a mechanism of defence which can be poisonous to some animals. A number of vegetables have oxalic acid levels that are relatively high. It should, therefore, be understood the amounts that can be fed to the rabbits safely. Generally, these should be fed to them only once each day and it shouldn’t be the same type for the other days. They’re best rotated. In this category, we have mustard greens, parsley, beet greens, radish tops, spinach, sprouts and Swiss chard. However, most of the fresh veggies that are often fed to rabbits have low levels of oxalates. This means that they can be safely fed to the animals every day. These include rocket, basil, carrot tops, chicory, coriander, wheat grass, green leaf lettuce, Roman lettuce, dandelion greens and watercress among others.

2. Low and High Calcium Contents

According to veterinarians, the rabbits need to be fed veggies that are low in calcium more than those that are high in it. Examples of those that are low in calcium include alfalfa, sweet peppers, asparagus, coriander, cabbage, turnips and broccoli among many others.

Rabbit food

3. High in Vitamin A

The vegetables that a rabbit can eat and are high in vitamin A include sweet green, bell pepper, dandelion greens, watercress, kale, red leaf lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, peas, wheat grass and collards among many more.

Vegetables that you should avoid

There are also a number of veggies that one may be tempted to feed to their rabbits but should be completely avoided. Some of those are avocado, Dried Beans, Bamboo shoots, Cassava, coffee plant and beans, whole corn kernels, grains, nuts, millets, onions, dried peas, potatoes and their peels, sweet peas, whole seeds and tea leaves etc.

Why rabbits should be fed Veggies

Grass hay is by far the most vital food for rabbits. However, they still need small percentages of fresh foods and pellets. The greens are important because they are a source of moisture for the animals. They also help in changing varieties of taste as well as texture and nutrition in general. They help reduce the chances of developing bladder stones since it increases the intake of fluids by the rabbits. 


So, if you’re wondering what vegetables rabbits can eat, picking the right ones for yours won’t be difficult if you follow the rules above. Ensure your veggies are fresh before feeding to them and ensure they’re thoroughly cleaned.

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