Scaly Leg In Chickens And How To Treat It

Scaly Leg In Chickens And How To Treat It

Whether you keep your chickens for commercial purposes or they are just beloved family pets, you’ll want to make sure your chickens are happy and healthy. 

As a responsible chicken owner, it’s important to pay close attention to your chickens and their health so that you can act quickly at the first sign of an issue.

There are some infections and diseases that can quickly spread through your chicken coop. While infections aren’t always fatal, it will still be uncomfortable for your chickens and should therefore be avoided. 

Scaly leg disease is one all-too-common condition that can spread around chicken coops. In this guide, we’re looking at what scaly leg is, how to spot it and how to treat it.

What is scaly leg disease?

Scaly leg disease is a skin condition in chickens that affects the legs. It is caused by a microscopic mite infestation that impacts the health of the scales on the feet, the comb and the wattle. 

Scaly leg disease is caused by the knemidocoptes mutans mite, which is sometimes referred to as the scaly leg mite. These small mites thrive on the floors of chicken coops when they are damp or they can also be found in the ground outside.

These mites are microscopic and invisible to the naked eye. This condition is highly infectious and will spread through your chicken coop very easily. 

As chickens walk around on infected ground, the mites burrow into the leg scales and cause an increase in sebum production which leads to increased cell renewal. This causes the scales to become raised, thick and white. 

So, while you won’t see the mites, you will see the effects of the mites. The condition is not dangerous to your chickens, but it can spread to the wattles and combs and will be very uncomfortable for your birds. 

Left untreated, scaly leg disease can leave your chickens lame and it could also lead to secondary infections that could lead to death. This is why it is vital to be on the lookout for the early signs that you have a mite infestation.

How do you get rid of scaly leg mites?

If you notice the characteristic raised white scales on your chickens’ legs, combs or wattles, it’s time to take action.

You can purchase a mite spray that will treat the condition by suffocating the mites. Start by cleaning the feet and using a soft toothbrush to gently exfoliate the scales. Next, apply the mite treatment to help kill the remaining mites.

You can then apply vaseline to the legs to help soften the scales and provide relief as the scales heal. It can take around 12 months for all traces of this condition to be eradicated. The scales will soften and the hardened material will fall away. Don’t be tempted to pick at the scales as this could lead to exposed wounds that will be more susceptible to infections. 

You should also take the time to address the origins of the mites, as they often pick them up from their environment. If the ground is soggy and wet, your birds are more likely to pick up mites. To address this, you can put down a layer of wood chips to help absorb some of the moisture and prevent damp conditions.

Scaly leg mites also spread easily between chickens, so be wary about introducing new chickens to your flock. This condition is more common in feather legged chickens and in older chickens, so these are some risk factors to look out for.

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